With our investment banking and corporate finance support services we help our clients by maximizing their market share growth while reducing on-going costs.

We assist our clients in data gathering activities, analysis and research process to source more deals and boost their win rate. At Mahat research, we guarantee high quality and cost advantages to our clients and provide them support, financial modeling and sector research to reduce turnaround time.

Mergers and acquisition

Mahat research analysts support analysis of financial statements, financial projections, and valuation of the target in merger and acquisition advisory.

We do merger consequence analysis for estimating the impact of the merger between organizations on the combined financials and the individual entities. Our researchers do affordability analysis to determine what an acquirer is willing to pay for a possible target. We provide Initiation and execution support to our clients.

Initiation Support
  • We do company and sector profiling, peer group analysis & benchmarking, target and buyer screening and identification
  • Our analysts prepare industry reports, pitch books, Information memorandums, periodicals and newsletters
  • We also help our clients in thematic studies, transaction case studies, precedent transactions, trading comparable and confidential business reviews.
Execution Support
  • We help our clients in trading company analysis, public company analysis, precedent transaction analysis, and capital structure analysis
  • Our analysts prepare pitch books, information memorandum
  • We assist our clients in financial modeling, DCF and LBO modeling as well as merger modeling.