Mahat team of analyst identifies and evaluates trends and patterns of the data provided by the client or collected and generate insights to shape up business strategy. We focus on structured and unstructured data for analysis. Survey data, syndicated data, and transactional data comes under structured data group and free flowing text, voice recordings, email and chat, social media comes under unstructured data. Our Team helps clients with
Project Management

Project managers at Mahat are intelligent, quick and use logical and analytical mind to innovatively solve problems. Our Project managers always help efficiently and converse actionable suggestion and recommendations to clients

Content Analysis (in case of qualitative)

Our Content analyst summarizes the content by counting various aspects of the content. Content analysis is a qualitative method and often written in words; however the results of content analysis are numbers and percentages. Our analysts apply content analysis to enumerate patterns in communication and involve systematic reading or observation of texts which are assigned labels or codes to specify the existence of interesting, meaningful patterns. After labeling a large set of texts, researcher statistically estimates the proportions of patterns in the texts, as well as correlations between patterns.

Social research

Our social research analysts examines a society’s attitudes, assumptions, beliefs, trends, stratifications and rules. Our analysts have done two types of social research: qualitative research and quantitative research. In the qualitative research, researcher creates hypotheses and abstractions from the data collected via words or pictures and mostly from people. Quantitative research is totally different and involves numbers and set data. Quantitative data is specific, defined and is collected through surveys, reports, observation, questionnaires, focus groups, historical accounts, personal diaries and census statistics.

Policy research

Policy research is descriptive, analytical, and deal with causal processes and explanations. Our policy researchers focus on social factors and evaluate a new or existing policy programme, describe examples of best practice, measure social change, develop projections on the basis of large-scale modeling exercises, or consist of large-scale experimental research in real-life settings running for years and even decades.

Sampling and Field work (Quantitative as well as Qualitative)

Our team is experienced in Street and Mall-Intercepts, Door-to-Door Interviews, In-depth Interviews, Focus Group Discussions (recruitment and moderation) and Mystery Shopping. We do this through a certified network of local partners with strong personnel supervision and quality assurance processes.

Questionaire/Instrument Development

Design the requisite questions to answer the objective of business problem