We offer comprehensive expert valuation advisory analysts to help the clients for their tailored needs. Our valuation and advisory services offer rational and extremely defensible financial reporting valuation support.

We assist businesses from start-up to large corporations across diverse industry sectors and recommend auditable valuation across industries involving different levels of complexity.

Our valuation analyst estimates the market value of a financial asset or liability. Valuations are done on assets such as stocks, business enterprises, or patents which is intangible asset and trademarks or on liabilities that is bonds issued by a company.

Financial Advisory
  • Mahat research offer Business Valuation wherein assessment of privately held companies is done by our analysts for corporate purposes
  • From a financial point of view we also provide objective analysis of a transaction or a business combination.
Financial Reporting

Mahat research has expertise in fair value analysis and impairment testing. We also assist our clients in the allocation of transaction value into tangible and intangible assets of the business. Our analyst keeps a track of stock option expenses.